mardi 3 avril 2007

Stop Eviction, Guarding Lo-Sheng, for Leprosy Patients' Dignity

Gathering: Ralph Bunche Park, E.42nd Street and 1th Avenue, (UN) NY, Am10:30

Theme: Stop Eviction, Guarding Lo-Sheng, for Leprosy Patients' Dignity

Am10:30-11:00 Gathering, explaining what we are fighting for.
Aunt Fu-Zi (the resident of Lo-Sheng Sanatorium) will sing her songs to everybody that represent the voices of Lo-Sheng's residents.

Am11:00-11:30 A symbolic action of "kneel and obeisance"(just like Korean farmers had done in Hong Kong) on 1th Avenue besides UN (by Youth Union for Leprosy Patients' Rights accompanies Taiwan Leprosy Patients' Self-help Organization).

Am11:30 Marching out (with a very large banner ahead, accompanies many banners). Marching along E.42nd Street, from 1th Avenue till 5th Avenue. (Everybody wears the appealing boards shown above provided by us, shouts out the slogans)

Pm1:00-1:30 Arriving the destination, i.e., Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in NY. Sending the protesting letter cosigned by international NGOs.

PM1:30-2:30 Sharing and discussing, the activity of Visual resistance for Lo-Sheng ( in the nearby Bryant Park.

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